Tuuletar has started the process of making their new album. The album will be recorded during the autumn 2018 and winter 2019 and the release will be in May 2019. Tuuletar continue their cooperation with a Finnish record label Bafe’s Factory who will publish and produce the album world wide. Like the band’s debut album “Tules Maas Vedes Taivaal” (2016), the upcoming album will be mixed and mastered in USA by Liquid5th productions. Tuuletar is also joining forces with a Finnish folk musician, jouhikko player and etnomusicologist Pekko Käppi, who will work as an artistic producer and mentor for the album.
Making of this album has been kindly supported by Music Creators Fund and The Finnish Music Foundation.
The official release is set to May 2019 and will follow with a full international release tour. Bookings and more information about the tour from Saura Booking Agency.